Project name:
RIMMEL (RIverine and Marine floating macro litter Monitoring and Modelling of Environmental Loading)

Project description:
The JRC exploratory project RIMMEL provides information about litter, mainly plastic waste, entering the European Seas through river systems. RIMMEL has collected data on riverine floating macro litter inputs to the sea. Data acquisition was based on the Riverine Litter Observation Network (RiLON) activities, which collected data from rivers in the European marine basins over a period of one year (September 2016 – September 2017). Data was collected by visual observations and documented with the JRC Floating Litter Monitoring Application for mobile devices, allowing a harmonized reporting, compatible with the MSFD Master List of Categories for Litter Items. Results provide the list of most frequent floating macro litter items entering the European Seas through rivers. Quantitative results and analysis of riverine litter input data will provide estimates of riverine litter load at European scale

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